about the artist

My name is Liz & I’m so glad you’re here!

It’s crazy to think this all started when I was a kid sitting at the kitchen table, doodling on grocery lists & homework. To this day, I have very little figured out but there are a few things I grow more & more certain of… 

It seems there will always be unimaginable joy & unimaginable pain no matter what road we take. I’ve spent most of my 26 years trying to figure out a way to avoid the latter. But it’s been in the unavoidable pain that I’ve found a hidden gift. Like the brilliant beauty that shines through the leaves as fall rolls around & they prepare to die, there is a great grace in coming to the end of ourselves. This hope is the source that my art & writing overflows from: a river of unending love that holds the not yet & the almost there in the same arms - the arms of Jesus.

Every collection reflects the learnings & adventures of experiencing the tender love of Christ throughout each new season.

want to follow along?

join me on Instagram as I share the creative process of bringing each collection to life:)